The 2012 horoscope for Sagittarius
Free Sagittarius 2012 horoscopes for the year of the black Dragon
Sagittarian's should use the first few months of 2012 to take advantage of the planet Uranus's influence of renewal. Astrologically Uranus rouses us to get rid of the old to make way for the new and this will be especially relevant to a Sagittarius now. You should have lots of energy this year and this planet plus Neptune's focusing power will provide all the enthusiasm you need. 2012 is forecast to be a great time for sorting out any disagreements and making plans for fresh starts. Any negatives of the past should be put to one side to concentrate on more important considerations. A change of residence is highlighted and is something you may consider sometime during this year. A settled home and work period is indicated for 2012 where Sagittarian's will be able to enjoy the company of others. Finances may be up and down but a lucky time financially is due midway through the year.
If you are a Sagittarius the year 2012 holds lots of possibilities to broaden your knowledge on an interest you already have. The planet Saturn is influential in your sign this year encouraging you to strive for achievement and maybe contemplate entering some sort of competition or fund raising challenge. It is also a favorable astrological year for Sagittarius individuals to think about giving up or cutting back on a bad habit. Your willpower and positivity are particularly strong in 2012 due to the planetary alignments and their influences and this will help you with anything you wish to achieve. Sagittarian's may see an unexpected surge in their income around Summer time that can be utilized to replace items and improve surroundings. The rest of 2012 could be busy and full of family arrangements so it's best to make sure you leave some time free for yourself.
Free 2012 horoscope for the year of the black Dragon
2012 horoscope Free