2012 horoscope for Aquarius
Free Aquarius 2012 horoscopes for the year of the black Dragon
For Aquarian's the year 2012 looks like being a time to put the past well and truly behind you and begin making some plans for your future. The planet Uranus this year will influence an Aquarian to abandon old ideas in favor of new ones and start to think more positively. There may be a career opportunity presenting itself in the Spring that if accepted gives a chance to increase confidence and finances. Aquarian's will also benefit astrologically from the influential presence of Venus in 2012 whose cosmic powers will enhance their creativity and luck. This planet's influence is also beneficial for the harmony of personal relationships and will help increase awareness and understanding of others. 2012 is a time of learning about our emotions and taking responsibility for our actions. Relationships for Aquarius people this year should be extra meaningful and lots of fun with the second half of the year looking very busy socially.
In 2012 people born under the sign of Aquarius the water carrier could experience a few changes in their working life or expected levels of responsibility. These adjustments will be minor but may take a while to get used to. The luckiest time for Aquarius is between July and September when a prize or small amount of money may be won. If finances allow Aquarian's should try to take a short break from routine in 2012 to avoid fatigue and the build-up of any stress. In the later part of the year the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune begin to form a powerful configuration. The gathering of these celestial bodies in late 2012 will be especially propitious for you as it signifies the awakening of potential. You can now be confident that the ideas that you had in earlier months are not beyond your grasp.
Free 2012 horoscope for the year of the black Dragon
2012 horoscope Free