Among the celestial influences that are set to dictate the astrological year 2012 the planet Neptune and the Asteroid Chiron appear to dominate. Chiron remains in the sign of Pisces since it travelled there in February last year. Its continued presence will help us realize the need for action to improve our surroundings and work towards eliminating greed and waste. 2012 sees the possible introduction of long awaited changes to the structure of society and the search for more earth friendly commodities. Neptune enters Pisces at the beginning of February for a 14 year stay and initiates an important period of focus and growth. This particular planet's influence intensifies the Asteroid's message for 2012 of improvement in, and advancements of, areas of mind, body and spirit.
There are lots of other planetary influences around in 2012 that will compliment the focusing and growing astrological powers of Neptune and Chiron. The planet Pluto still exerts it's authority of teaching us how best to live on our planet by expanding our knowledge this year. On an individual basis this is a good time for studying, inventions and unexpected discoveries. Uranus is another celestial body that remains in the sign of Aries for 2012 and for the next 6 years. This position in the first house suggests the continued introduction of new ideas and beginnings that defy the usual expectations. The sustained locations of Pluto and Uranus aid and enhance Neptune's focal and Chiron's healing communications. This should produce excellent astrological conditions for the implementation of required changes. On a global or personal level the forces of these influential planets bring lots of opportunities for beneficial changes of direction.
In 2012 the period up to June will be influenced by Jupiter in the sign of Taurus seeking to expand our understanding and awareness. It will emphasize the advice of keeping things simple and as Taurus is regarded as an earth sign it will concentrate in this area. There will be a general trend towards the use of natural materials and remedies. After the month of June the planet Jupiter will move into the sign of Gemini making the rest of 2012 a perfect time for communication of all kinds. Up until October the planet Saturn is situated in the balanced sign of Libra. During these months there is an indication of lots of achievements and a sense of maturity and taking responsibility. It is a time for assessing values but with caution. From October onwards Saturn enters Scorpio and commences an authority of persistence and the pursuit of goals.
Approaching the end of 2012 there will be a highly fortunate configuration of three significant Astrology planets. This will happen in December and will incorporate and take advantage of the leverages of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter. This powerful culmination of celestial bodies will form a Yod aspect also known as 'the finger of God' that signifies a strong awakening. This is assumed to be a signal of mankind shifting to a higher plane of thought. Many of the changes astrologically forecast and implemented in the majority of 2012 appear to be in preparation for the year's ending. By December in 2012 we should be able to see some of the rewards of our efforts to change things for the better. This will apply to adjustments in worldwide circumstances but also for individuals in their daily life. There will be a definite air of positivity and the possibility of a momentous breakthrough in medical science assisting many people.
2012 Horoscope predicts a gradual stream of complimentary planetary movements that aim to steer us into a new direction. Old ways of thinking will begin to disperse and more effective, fairer systems will be discussed. On an individual level all the signs of the zodiac are destined to gain from the positional influences progressing in the year 2012. They send a universal message of renewed hope for the future due to the abandonment of antiquated methods of perception. Rather than the end of time prophesied by the Mayan calendar for 2012 the cosmic planets forsee the commencement of a new era of philosophy. This is presumed to bring about a phase of heightened wisdom for us all leading to more harmonious relationships with each other.