Runes Divination
Runes are magical and alphabet symbols that were carved in stone or wood.
Different household objects, clothes, dishes, armor were decorated with runes, house entrances or snouts of ships would have written spells with runes, in other words, runes were used everywhere.
Many runic symbols come from the ancient times; they date back to magic symbols of celt monks-druids, which later went to Germanic and then to Scandinavian tribes.
Runic magic is very versatile. According to the legend, each run has sacred origin and is a sacred symbol; it has certain magical powers and ability to connect us with the greater power.
The combination of runes with their powers and connections makes up a real magic system.
This system can be also used to tell fortune: the combinations of its symbols can describe any possible situation.
The main thing is to remember that to use these miraculous symbols successfully you have to personally relate to each rune.
Try to pay as much attention as possible to the meaning in them for each rune to create personal images and associations in you.
Then runes will describe the situation you are in quite well, and you will know what will happen later.
Runes divine meaning