Rune Raido
Road. If you asked about the future, get to know that you have a road ahead of you. If you asked for some advice, you should get going. If you are analyzing the existing situation, then the appearance of this sign tells you that you are on your way. The only correct action for you has to be realized and is being realized already; don't be in its way. Trust the flow of events and the main thing - trust yourself. Avoid extra thoughts, useless speculations, philosophizing and other mental obstacles, give the place to what should be harmonized and collected out of parts. And remember, that the road is in front of you, so go ahead bravely.
Raido opposite
Surprise. The appearance of this symbol recommends attentiveness in everything, including everyday life. Probably, unexpected events, something new, some changes are awaiting you. In any case, you will have to put some efforts to it, probably great efforts. Be careful in communicating with friends and relatives - the symbol can alert about the possibility of a serious break-up. The person who has received this sign, has to try to keep smiling in any situation, whatever happens, you have to decide yourself, how to respond.
Runes divine meaning