Rune Laguz

Rune Laguz

The necessity to follow intuition. The key words contain the main advice of this symbol. Whatever the situation is, it is necessary to trust "that what leads", that part of being that cannot be understood by mind and shows up only in intuition and similar situations. No evaluations or thoughts are needed, and sometimes no understanding is needed either. If you follow your own "I" and your own rhythms, you will get a feeling of inner comfort. In the opposite case, pressure and inner disharmony are inevitable.
Opposite Rune Laguz

Laguz opposite

Warning. The appearance of this symbol is a warning about a danger of a breakdown. Nobody can act with more capabilities and reserved strengths than he can handle and not expect a blow in response. It is possible to overstrain, strive for something that cannot be achieved now.
Runes divine meaning
Fehu Rune Fehu acquiring or saving Uruz Rune Uruz appearance of a new form Thurisaz Rune Thurisaz gates or weakness Ansuz Rune Ansuz receiving or futility Raido Rune Raido road or surprise
Kenaz Rune Kenaz renewed clarity Gebo Rune Gebo freedom and partnership Wunjo Rune Wunjo joy or crisis Hagalaz Rune Hagalaz complete breakup Nauthis Rune Nauthis slowing down
Isa Rune Isa stagnation Jera Rune Jera favorable ending Perth Rune Perth death of the past Eihwaz Rune Eihwaz unpleasant delay Algiz Rune Algiz necessity for flexibility
Sowulo Rune Sowulo wholeness or synthesis Teiwaz Rune Teiwaz forming approach Bercana Rune Bercana period of growth Ehwaz Rune Ehwaz something new Mannaz Rune Mannaz no superfluities
Laguz Rune Laguz follow intuition Inguz Rune Inguz fertility or ending Otal Rune Otal stopping or acquiring Dagaz Rune Dagaz self-adding concepts The Blank Rune Blank beginning of everything