The key word is "I". The advice of the symbol is modesty and no superfluities. Don't try to attract attention to yourself artificially or to require come-back. You have to have certain flexibility and probably a skill to retrieve. This is not the time for changes, but the time to wish for them and strive for deep analysis and changing of your own "I".
Inner enemy. The advice of this symbol is sincerity and impartiality in relations you're your "I". Probably, your development has stumbled or will stumble upon an obstacle: probably it will seem to you that someone or something is trying to stand in your way or harm you. Analyze the circumstances and figure out the situation to turn it to you and see that the outside enemy is not more than just a reflection of the enemy inside. It is necessary to distinguish and think it over to win over him. Most likely, this enemy is the legacy from your own past, and you can break it if you break the inertness of the past way of actions.