Rune Algiz
Turn. You have a turn in front of you. This is not the step of initiation, not the breakoff point, but specifically the turn. Probably you will get (or are already getting) new perspectives in front of you, possibly you will have a chance to change your life or some aspect of it. But remember that abrupt turns need carefulness which will be your security; this is the advice of the symbol. It is important not to fall after emotions and keep the calmness of your mind and clearness of your sight to make the right decision on time. Timely action and correct behavior is the only thing that gives real and absolute safety.
Algiz opposite
Necessity for flexibility. What you are striving for at the moment can hardly be achieved right at this moment. Flexibility is the advice and the requirement of this symbol. Leave for a while what you are stuck with right now, walk around the problem, go through it, this is not the time for a frontline attack. Be careful and watch where you and people around you are going, you will have to have flexibility here as well.
Runes divine meaning