Rune Perth
Search. As you can see from the name of the rune itself, the rune Perth is the rune of the unknown, the rune of an ancient magic circle. Your personal Unknown makes way to your supraliminal I, changing everything it touches on its way. The critical case of this is the mentioned psychological death. The advice of this symbol is intensification without aggravation and active search directed towards the union with the Unknown. If this turns out to be necessary, let the past go, let nothing stand between "you today" and "you tomorrow". And if you behave correctly, following the logic, and prompts of your Unknown, the result will come fast: initiation, renewal and new life.
Perth opposite
Death of the past. Your past died, and the future has not been born yet. A lot depends on you, let the past go and don't think too much about the end result of your today's work. Right now it's time to remember the well-known thesis about the necessity to live Here and Now - and to activate it. Don't forget that when the Past dies, not only events and connections die, but also the ways of "making life", specifically Now, when your new Future is born, you have to create new ways.
Runes divine meaning